Monday, November 18, 2013
Split in to two, too
So, how to reconcile two sides of one being? Both of whom feel, think, and have a world of experience to contribute to the character and wisdom of the bearer.
I welcome your own stories of experience.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Jim's Face
Jim walks around with a difficult face. It is a hard face, one might say, for it is not soft. It is hard, and difficult; similar words, but different meanings in regard to Jim’s countenance. His face is difficult because it is hard all of the time; upon waking in the morning, when making love, or when watching something beautiful, and he is a perceiver of beautiful things because he is a real poet.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
See my youth, unkempt and uncouth,
everywhere, like truth, or is it reflection?
That would mean a mirror be poised,
to catch my image as a boy, then
turn it ‘round in my mind’s eye
to frame a fearful symmetry.
I wrote a letter to the Devil last night
for I knew he was coming some day
and I thought, instead of shaking his hand,
I’d hand him my missive, written in cursive,
and send him on his way.
I sat for hours with pen in hand,
in the dim limelight of a single lamp
wondering exactly what I wanted to say.
I sit in an Idiot’s trap,
repeating senseless things,
thinking far too much,
beyond the point, if it exists,
of where an answer sits,
irrefutably correct,
invisible to my brand of blind;
the kind recalls with clarity,
but when it must, it cannot see.