Monday, November 18, 2013

Split in to two, too

I was born on June 13th, which, depending who you are, may mean a lot or nothing at all.  For a long time I didn't want to admit that it meant anything, but recently it has become more difficult to ignore some striking qualifiers I possess that bear semblance to those of the so-called Gemini.  For instance, the longing for balance that I have for so long strained to see or realize in all things has become more necessary to me as a part of my personal well-being, more so than any perceived form of principled opinion of the world.  I have become more contemplative about my place within a world of people, a step above my old meditations of my place-in-world/universe, where relationships to others seemed unimportant, or at least like a distraction.  Now there is more focus.  I also have started a career in teaching, which brings me joy and inspiration, but also routine.  The Gemini in me requires a steady diet of harmony: One part spontaneity to every one part routine.  This has proven difficult, leaving me many times feeling very glum about the entire matter.  The most successful I feel is when I simply allow myself to be spontaneous, within certain boundaries of safety in accordance to myself and those I care for.  Risk is necessary sometimes, but it is a capricious beast, and should you drop your guard, can turn on you with claws extended.

So, how to reconcile two sides of one being?  Both of whom feel, think, and have a world of experience to contribute to the character and wisdom of the bearer.

I welcome your own stories of experience.


  1. I didn't know you were still updating. I hope you continue to write. Miss you, friend.

  2. I'll share a story. What's your email?
